Pink and White Refreshing Watermelon Lemonade is a VERY simple recipe. You just need watermelon, lemon juice, sugar, and water. Some ice cubes are great, too. Oh, and garnish with some chives if you like.
By now you all know about my latest watermelon craze!
So here is my 3rd recipe of watermelon which I promised.

Yay!!!! What would I need to make any day a good day other than some cool and refreshing drinks and of course your appreciative comments! You all are awesome! 🙂
Talking about drinks, do you have a favorite summer drink?
These days lemonade is my drink of choice, and I crave it like crazy! Be it old fashioned lemonade, or with any other fruits! They are in my hit list! 🙂
These drinks kind of took the place of my favorite iced coffee for last couple of days! I can surely tell, that lemonade is my recent favourite! Though, I am not quite sure how long would I be away from my dear coffee. But this is it for the time being!

A good old fashioned lemonade always seems to hit the spot, but I am experimenting with other amazing flavors too. And suddenly I realized, that watermelon and lemonade seems like really an awesome combination!
And you know what? It really is AWESOME! This fresh, sweet and tangy lemonade with a twist of watermelon will definitely quench your thirst, in style. So good for sure!
Imagine the pink and white refreshing pink and white watermelon lemonade! Ahhh! It is a big hit at my place ever since I made it the first time. And the good thing is, it’s so easy to make and indeed very refreshing on a summer day.
So this watermelon season is here to make me happy, happier, happiest!

For me the name ‘watermelon season’ is strongly associated with wonderful bygone summers of my childhood days. Back home, summer was the holiday time and also the watermelon season. You would see this beautiful deep green round/oval fruit everywhere.
You would see it so often that you simply couldn’t avoid buying it, unless you hated this fruit. 😉
During those days whenever my sister and my parents went out together, they always came back home with this big and beautiful fruit. She was a big watermelon lover, and the only struggle for my sister was to cut it herself.
She wanted to eat watermelon as soon as it arrived, and my mom always said to her, “Let it cool in the fridge, and I will cut it for you.”
She usually agreed to my mother, but her facial expressions told that she still wanted that watermelon badly. Kids are kids!

Well, it is universal that nothing is hidden from a Mom. So my mom sensed all this everytime. She used to keep watermelon in deep freezer without telling it to my sister. So that it would cool faster, and she could get it to taste ASAP.
And after a couple of hours, watermelon got chilled enough to be served. And Mom always served the first plate of watermelon to her.
Only now I understand why my Mom used to do this. She just wanted to see my sister’s face turning red in happiness and her joyful expressions! Moms are the best! 🙂

Recently after I talked about this recipe to my sister, she made this once, and now she could not get over how awesome this combination is!!
The weather is still cold here, but it feels summerish, as sun shines here almost every day!
I just want it to be like real warm! I mean, it’s almost Mid-June and we are still longing for warmer days! Nevertheless, shiny days are here, and what can be better than watermelon juice to refresh you on a warm and sunny day?

God, send us some warmth, and also send little cold winds to those parts of the worlds where people are suffering from excessively HOT days. It would be nice for everyone! Right?
But, this is something which happens only in dreams! 😉 GOD knows what is best for us!
So no more wanting of hot/cold days, and I should enjoy what I have got. That is the real blessing! Whatever comes to me, I will definitely take it.If it’s good, I would be happier, if it’s not, I would be stronger 🙂
Anyways, I am loving the feel of summerish-days while sipping my lemonades and munching on cool watermelon. So I will be making this watermelon lemonade frequently, and would savour it as much as I like! What else would I do on a good warm weekend. 🙂

Just imagine a naturally pink lemonade added with watermelon goodness! A lemonade which tastes a little like watermelon, and is made with refreshing lemons. WOW! This is a real summer treat!
It was actually so perfect that I bought one more watermelon yesterday – one half for eating and the other half for this juicy lemonade.
You ask, what happens if I combine watermelon juice with some lemonade? I will tell you, “a magic happens if you combine these two.” YES! It is a magical drink.
When temperatures would get higher, fresh fruity lemonades are gonna be the only drinks for me!
It’s gonna be just ice and lemonade, and for me it sounds the best thing ever!
You know, I am always appealed by the way things visually look. I don’t know if it is an advantage or disadvantage, but being a designer with an eye for color, I can’t help it! I am very much a visual person. For me, things need to look good.

Thus, I simply wanted my Pink and White Refreshing Watermelon Lemonade to look beautiful, that’s why I wanted to show the two distinct colors in the same drink. So I did not mix watermelon juice and lemonade together.
Instead, I made them individually and then poured in serving glasses.
I wanted my watermelon juicy like regular lemonade, so I juiced it in a juicer. But you can simply blend it in a blender, if you don’t have a juicer. Strain later, and you can of course use it without straining. This is all upto individual choices.
But blend it really well and you will have zero chunks.
Pink and White Refreshing Watermelon Lemonade is a VERY simple recipe. You just need watermelon, lemon juice, sugar, and water. Some ice cubes are great, too. Oh, and garnish with some chives if you like.
You can easily vary this recipe by adding other fruits, lots of ice to make it nice and slushy.
I hope you all are ready for a great weekend, so sit back and enjoy this Pink and White Refreshing Watermelon Lemonade. Won’t it be a nice way to relax in the summer?
Folks, that’s what I will be making again soon. Will you?

Recipe Card
Pink and White Refreshing Watermelon Lemonade [Recipe]

(Rating: 5 from 49 reviews)
Prep time 🕐 | Cook time 🕐 | Total time 🕐 |
7 mins | ||
Category ☶ | Cuisine ♨ | Serves ☺ |
Drinks | International | 4 |
Nutrition Info ⊛ | Serving size ⊚ | |
280 calories | 1 serving |
For Pink and White Watermelon Lemonade //
- fresh watermelon juice - 2 cups
- fresh lemon juice - 1 cups
For Syrup //
- sugar - 1 cup
- water - ½ cup
For Serving //
- ice cubes, or crushed ice
- chives for garnish
How to Make Pink and White Watermelon Lemonade //
- Heat a pan, and add 2 cup of water to it. Bring it to a boil.
- Add sugar and stir until sugar dissolves.
- Let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, and let the syrup cool completely.
- Let it rest in fridge for 1 hour.
- Take a pitcher. Mix syrup and lemon juice and stir until well mixed. Set aside.
- Add ice in a tall glass when ready to pour drink.
- First pour the lemonade as it is thick in consistency.
- Pour watermelon juice slowly. Garnish with lemon wedges and chives. Enjoy!
- No notes for this recipe.